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Super Strenuous
7 Day
9 Day
12 Day

    127 Locations: 36 Staffed Camps; 75 Trail Camps; 6 Other; 10 Trailheads.
    91 Programs and Activities.
    3 Trek themes: 50 Miler North 12-26 50 Miler South 12-11 Climbing Trek 12-3.
Deer Lake


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Philmont Mailing List Attachments
All Mailing List Attachments
1/7/20202020 CCCBSA Trek Selection Attached is the presentation from the 1/8/2020 Chester County Council Advisors Itinerary planning briefing.
9/29/20072007 Philmont Parents & Participants Overview A zipfile containing a presentation only.

The presentation material is an overview of Philmont for newly signed participants & their parents. It provides an overview of the Ranch's program, additional activities planned and an overview of things to consider in terms of equipment and training over the 16 month period from the date of the presentation to the trip itself. (about 12mb)
9/29/20072007 Philmont Parents & Participants Overview A zipfile containing a cd image that can be copied to a CD that includes the presentation and the MS PPT viewer software.

The presentation material is an overview of Philmont for newly signed participants & their parents. It provides an overview of the Ranch's program, additional activities planned and an overview of things to consider in terms of equipment and training over the 16 month period from the date of the presentation to the trip itself. (about 14mb)
8/28/20072008 Philmont & Double H Web Registration Document that outlines the 2008 process for web based unit registations for 2009 Philmont Backpacking Expeditions, Philmont and 8 day Cavalcades and 7 day Double H Backpacking Expeditions
8/17/2007Sale Flyer / Order Form (pdf) Scout Direct Fall sale flyer (ends 9/21/2007)
8/17/2007Sale Flyer / Order Form (xls) Scout Direct Fall sale flyer (ends 9/21/2007)
8/17/2007Scoutdirect (ALPs) Pricelist Alps Mountaineer's discount price list for Scouts
8/1/2007August, 2007 News Details of changes in the B03 release, specifically changes in Trek Search to support the ability to revise searches and save search criteria.
3/7/2007March, 2007 News Details of changes made between February 20th and March 8th, 2007
2/20/2007February, 2007 News Details of changes made between January 8th and February 20th, 2007
1/8/2007January, 2007 News Details of changes made during December, 2006.
12/25/2006Tent Spikes From Steve MacIntyre: "I bought ours from a roofing supply in Nashville, TN for .20 cents each I think, it was in 2001 when I bought them. They gave us the Scout discount, no tax with our state sales exempt form. I have the picture of them painted with the safety Orange if you want the exact picture of what you are looking for at you local roofing supply. You do not want expensive spikes because of the roots they could get stuck in and or lost, less is better!"
Merry Christmas,
Your step may vary,
Steve MacIntyre
Troop 777
Hermitage, TN
Philmont Advisor 02-32NFM2, 03-23, 05-32, 06-32, 07-30 we hope
12/8/2006December, 2006 News Details of changes made during November, 2006 including enhancements to Trek Search to include more complex searches and the Virtual Tour.
10/28/2006Conforming WFA Courses Wilderness First Aid Courses that meet or Exceed American Red Cross (PSR Mailing 10/06)
10/28/2006BSA & ARC WFA training opportunities List of Red Cross and BSA Councils offering WFA Courses (PSR Mailing 10/06)
10/28/2006WFA Training Policy 2007 Philmont Scout Ranch First Aid Training Requirements (PSR mailing 10/06)
10/24/2006Philmont Code of Conduct Troop 681's Philmont Code of Conduct - fashioned after the Code of Conduct used for the National Jamboree in 2001 and 2005. Provided by Kim Pigorsch, Troop 681 Outdoor Chair
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PhilSearch Version 19.1 - 10/30/2023 using 2024 data set.
This web site is not officially sanctioned by Philmont or the Boy Scouts of America
The information on this site is provided as is and should be verified against official Philmont publications before being used for final trek selection.