Compare 2017 Trek 7-15 to 2016 Trek 7-15

2017 description: 'This trek will provide your crew with the opportunity to see sunsets, climb mountains, and take part in great program experiences. Begin your trek at pioneer Kit Carson's home at Rayado Rancho. Throw tomahawks and check out all the components of running an outpost on the Santa Fe Trail in the 1850's. From there, hike to Backache Springs where you will enjoy watching the colors change over the mountains when the sun sets for the evening. Hike on to Crater Lake where the loggers of the Continental Tie & Lumber Company will welcome you to their camp and teach you to climb spar poles, cut cross ties, and be entertained at their Company Meeting Campfire. Next, hike over Trail Peak and find the wreckage of a B24 that crashed on top of the mountain in 1942. Enjoy the next portion of your hike to beautiful Porcupine and listen to the water in the Rayado Creek flow past before nodding off for the night. Hike up to the highline trail between Bonito Peak and Big Red or up Comanche Creek to climb Mt. Phillips and Comanche Peak. Continue on to the Hunting Lodge where you will be able to see how Waite Phillips enjoyed spending time at one of his moutain getaways. Swing by the Demonstration Forest and work with members of the Philmont Conservation Department on a restoration timber cut project. Stop by Clarks Fork for roping and branding before camping at Upper Clarks Fork for the night. Be sure to get some rest, because your final challenge awaits… The Tooth of Time!'

Day2017 Trek 715 Campsite2016 Trek 715 CampsiteProgram Differences
1Trailbound Tent City  
3Rich Cabins Conservation Project included in 2017 trek 715
4Upper Greenwood Low Impact Camping included in 2017 trek 715
5Copper Park  
6Flume Canyon Blacksmithing included in 2017 trek 715
Continental Tie & Lumber included in 2017 trek 715
Mine Tour included in 2017 trek 715
Conservation Project not included in 2017 trek 715
7Homebound Tent City Western Lore / Branding included in 2017 trek 715