Compare 2012 Trek 12-5 to 2011 Trek 12-3

2012 description: 'Is your crew looking for a program packed itinerary in addition to seeing the best sunset on the Ranch at Philmont’s highest camp? Look no further. This trek starts by hiking past Cathedral Rock and the picturesque Cimarroncito Reservoir. Be the first to climb several new routes at Cimarroncito. From there, the cool hike up Grouse and Sawmill Canyons will let you focus on the wildflowers and aspens instead of the heat! At Sawmill, our world class .30-06 reloading room and shooting range is guaranteed to be a highlight of your trek. Next, the trek up Mount Phillips will be challenging, but seeing the sunset over Wheeler Peak and the Moreno Valley will be an unparalleled reward. Shooting .50 caliber black powder rifles at Clear Creek, shooting 3-D archery targets at Apache Springs, fishing at Fish Camp, and eating a nice Mexican dinner at Abreu will prepare you for the final leg of your journey to the Tooth of Time!'

2011 description: 'Is your crew looking for a program packed itinerary that still offers a night at Philmont's highest camp? Look no further. On the way to and after camping at Mt. Phillips, your crew can rock climb and rappel, shoot your own reloaded 30.06 shells, and do a 3-D archery program on your layover at Apache Springs camp. Fire the booming .50 caliber black powder rifles, fly fish, climb spar poles, visit a Mexican homestead, and enjoy and outstanding campfire. By the way, there is also a delicious Mexican dinner and root beer in the Abreu Cantina..'

Day2012 Trek 5 Campsite2011 Trek 3 CampsiteProgram Differences
1Trailbound Tent City  
2Cathedral RockUte Springs 
3CimarroncitoWebster ParksFood Pickup not included in 2012 trek 5
4Sawmill Food Pickup included in 2012 trek 5
5Mt Phillips Climb Mount Phillips not included in 2012 trek 5
6Comanche Creek  
7Apache Springs Food Pickup not included in 2012 trek 5
8Apache Springs Food Pickup included in 2012 trek 5
Corn Grinding not included in 2012 trek 5
9Fish Camp  
10AbreuCrater LakeCantina included in 2012 trek 5
New Mexican Homestead included in 2012 trek 5
Mexican Dinner included in 2012 trek 5
Continental Tie & Lumber not included in 2012 trek 5
Campfire not included in 2012 trek 5
11Lover's LeapAbreuCantina not included in 2012 trek 5
New Mexican Homestead not included in 2012 trek 5
Mexican Dinner not included in 2012 trek 5
12Homebound Tent City Hike in via Tooth Ridge Trail included in 2012 trek 5
Kit Carson Museum not included in 2012 trek 5
Hike to not included in 2012 trek 5