Compare 2011 Trek 12-16 to 2010 Trek 12-16

2011 description: 'Fly fishing enthusiasts will love this itinerary as several rivers run through this trek. Tour Waite Phillips' famous Rayado Lodge at Fish Camp on your way to a two-day layover at one of Philmont's premiere western lore camps, Beaubien, where horse rides, branding, and a chuck wagon dinner await your crew. Hike along the South Fork of the Urraca to Black Mountain and experience blacksmithing, civil war settlers, and black powder rifle shooting. Even mare program is available at Cyphers Mine where you can pan for gold and enjoy the "Stomp". On your way to Hunting Lodge, stop at Cimarroncita's rack climbing camp. While at Hunting Lodge, be sure to visit the Demonstration Forest area. On your last day, your crew will hike over the Tooth of Time. On your last day, your crew will hike over the Tooth of Time.'

2010 description: 'Fly fishing enthusiasts will love this itinerary as several rivers run through this trek. Tour Waite Phillips' famous Rayado Lodge at Fish Camp on your way to a two-day layover at one of Philmont's premiere western lore camps, Beaubien, where horse rides, branding and a chuck wagon dinner await your crew. Hike along the South Fork of the Urraca to Black Mountain and experience blacksmithing, civil war settlers and black powder rifle shooting. Even more program is available at Cyphers Mine where you can pan for gold and enjoy the "Stomp" and be on your way to Cimarroncito's rock climbing camp. On your last day, your crew will hike over the Tooth of Time.'

Day2011 Trek 16 Campsite2010 Trek 16 CampsiteProgram Differences
1Trailbound Tent City  
2Olympia Camp  
3Carson Meadows  
4Lost Cabin Camp  
5Beaubien Camp  
6Beaubien Camp  
7Black Mountain Camp  
8Red Hills Camp  
9Cyphers Mine Camp  
10Hunting Lodge Food Pickup included in 2011 trek 16
Visiting Forester included in 2011 trek 16
11Tooth Ridge Camp Climb Tooth of Time included in 2011 trek 16
Water included in 2011 trek 16
12Homebound Tent City Climb Tooth of Time not included in 2011 trek 16