Ring Place

Staffed Camp; was Inactive site in 2023; was Staffed Camp in 2022;
Water: water tank unpurified;
Facilities: Commissary; Low Impact Camp;
Programs: Historic Homestead Astronomy Folk Weather Forecasting Side Hike to McCrystal Creek Ruins
Treks Camping at Ring Place: 12-16 12-18 12-23 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-30
Treks taking program at Ring Place: 12-16 12-18 12-23 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-30
Located at 8124; Latitude 36.77172 x Longitude -105.12093;

Since 1988, Philmont has trekked through pieces of the 100,000-acre Valle Vidal. Today, Philmont utilizes roughly 59,000 acres in the Colfax County portion of the property. The Valle Vidal borders Philmont near Dan Beard, Rich Cabins, and Philmont’s North Ponil country. It is home to New Mexico’s largest wild elk herd. As a part of Philmont’s special use agreement with the Forest Service, we agree to do meaningful conservation services and practice Leave No Trace Camping in the Valle Vidal. Some of the most popular programs such as mountain biking, search and rescue, astronomy, and folk weather forecasting are located at the Valle Vidal camps of Whiteman Vega, Seally Canyon, and Ring Place. Another great feature of the Valle Vidal is the ability for a crew to “bushwhack” from location to location using only map and compass or GPS. There are few established trails but navigating through large ponderosa pine stands is a beautiful and rewarding challenge. There are also Low Impact Camps located in the Valle Vidal where your crew has a high likelihood of experiencing a night under the stars by themselves.

Overall view of Ring Place Approach to Ring Place
Astronomy at Ring Place
Folk Weather Forecasting
Folk Weather Forecasting Folk Weather Forecasting
Food Pickup
Food Pickup at Ring Place
Historic Homestead
Corral and Barn at Ring Place Corrals at Ring Place Burro Trap at Ring Place
Points of Interest
Ponil Park ghost town - sidehike from Ring Place Cemetary @ Ponil Park ghost town - sidehike from Ring Place
Staff Cabin
Staff Cabin at Ring Place
Crew Campsite
Campsite @ Ring Place